With SOLSIM, we offer simulations packs that allow you the planning and detailed visualisation of complex solar thermal or solar power plants. Whether you choose our SOLSIM/ Premium pack or one of our simplified packs (without photovoltaic option) the SOLSIM/ Classic and Basic, you will know in advance what yields and consumption you can expect from your plant.

For these systems as well, our main goal is to have maximum solar coverage for minimum financial and technical investments to obtain optimum annual thermal efficiency on the given surface. You choose in advance the types of accumulators and solar collectors from a list which we provide. With these choices, we offer different simulations with capacity, storage and surface variants of solar panels. You will find more information in our "Download" section, through our Premium, Classic and Basic offers. Should you have any further questions, please contact us by e-mail or by phone.


Produkt SOLSIM
Variante Premium
Anlagenschema Ja
Beschreibung Ertragssimulationen mit Polysun von komplexen solarelektrischen in Kombination mit komplexen solarthermischen Anlagen
Beispiel Wärmepumpe, Solarkollektor- und Solarspeicher +  netzgekoppelte Solarstromanlage – inkl. netzgekoppelter Batteriesysteme
Price 300 CHF/EUR/USD *
Produkt SOLSIM
Variante Classic
Anlagenschema Ja
Beschreibung Ertragssimulationen mit Polysun von komplexen komplexen solarthermischen Kombianlagen (Warmwasserbereitung plus Heizungsunterstützung)
Beispiel Solarthermische Kombianlage
Price 200 CHF/EUR/USD *
Produkt SOLSIM
Variante Basic
Anlagenschema Ja
Beschreibung Ertragssimulationen mit Polysun von einfachen solarthermischen Warmwasserbereitungsanlagen jeglicher Grösse
Beispiel Solarthermische Warmwasser- Anlage
Price 100 CHF/EUR/USD *

* Currency in Swiss Francs, Euro or US Dollar selectable.